The convenience of an expert for Payroll
Make great things happen when you bring payroll and HR together
HIPC Group is a company that specializes in Dutch HR/Payroll. Payroll with the most compassion and HR to ultimate perfection.Complemented by a huge focus on insurable employment. As part of HIPC Group, the playing field is enormous. Thus we can support HR/Payroll package selection, performance management, individual choice budgets, insurance analysis and advisory reports, etc. A nice no-nonsense organization with a pleasant working atmosphere where communication about being an employer to both employers and employees in plain language is the main objective.
Worry-free paychecks
Save time and money
For employers, a paycheck equals a labor-intensive, administrative task. Something that comes with the territory, just like the paycheck. But for employees, it's much more than that.It is a reward. An essential token of appreciation. And also a pure necessity, because the household budget is often geared to receiving salary on time and correctly.
Check, check, double-check.
We are happy to take the error-prone and responsible task of payroll processing off your hands. When we do, we guarantee error-free payslips for all employees, every period. Down to the last cent. Excessive? No, absolutely not. We have given this guarantee since our establishment and our relations have never gone back on it. It is a matter of course for us. A natural consequence of our great sense of responsibility and level of knowledge.
Proactive attitude
We always think along
We always think along with you. Asked, but certainly also unasked. Only in this way can you really hand over this responsibility. So we don't wait to see if there might be any changes. No, we always call or e-mail prior to a payroll processing to check the mutations. Small effort. And besides: we simply cannot stomach it if our records are not in order.
Our expertise.
Working with the right party
We carry out mutations, keep up with industry developments and tax regulations, closely monitor something and collective bargaining agreement changes, dive into complex legal and tax matters, and always stay up-to-date with payroll systems.
That way we know for sure that the right amount goes to the right employee, at the right time.
Innovations in payroll land
Everything convenient in an app
Salary slips dusty? No! We are always looking for new and more efficient ways to generate and present payslips. Everything convenient in an app? Or a platform where employees can easily spend their individual choice budget, with direct processing in your payroll? Even the very latest developments in payroll processing are familiar territory for us.
Payroll systems
We know our way around
AFAS Software. Unit4. ADP. Nmbrs. Raet. Exact. Cobra, etc. We know our way around all the payroll modules and packages. After all, we are professionals.
Service on-demand
Advice and a helping hand
Do you need help building a file? Want an experienced partner to accompany you to court? A fresh perspective at performance reviews? Or do you need a helping hand in developing performance reviews and terms of employment? Our consultants are there for the administrative work, but also for the strategic issues. It's just what you need. Now that's service on-demand!
So it is quite a task to keep up with all these changes and translate them into your strategic and legal HR organization of today. You also have to keep looking ahead and be the employer people want to be in line for. How can you keep binding and engaging people?
HIPC Group is therefore at your service with advice and a helping hand in the areas of HR, human resources and talent development.
HRM Consultancy
The HR playing field is changing
Het speelveld voor werkgevers verandert elke dag. De wensen en behoeften van werknemers staan bijvoorbeeld steeds meer centraal. Werknemers willen zelf bepalen wanneer ze vakantiegeld krijgen en hoe ze sparen voor hun pensioen.
Daarnaast zorgen IT-innovaties ervoor dat bestaande rollen een andere betekenis krijgen, er nieuwe rollen ontstaan en werknemers op een andere manier willen werken. Als je thuis gewend bent aan on-demand diensten (video's, apps, muziek, etc.), waarom zou je dan op je werkplek nog willen werken met omslachtige systemen, trage desktops en aparte formulieren?
Collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten (CAO's) en wetgeving zorgen ook voortdurend voor verandering. CAO's bevatten steeds vaker een flexibele component, met een budget dat werknemers naar eigen inzicht kunnen invullen.